Sunday, December 18, 2011

Grisly Gonorrhea

There are many different types of sexually transmitted diseases spread throughout the world. Common STD among the people is Herpes, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, etc. These diseases can be very deadly.

            Gonorrhea is one of them. It is also known as "burn" or "clap". Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection that is caused by a bacterium called Neisseria Gonorhoeae. This bacterium is a species of Diplococcic Bacteria. It is a bacterium that likes to attack warm and moist places like the cervix, vagina, urethra and fallopian tubes. It can occur to both men and women. In men it occurs in the urethra. This disease is also transmitted to the mouth, throat, eyes and anus by oral, anal or vaginal sex. If a pregnant woman has gonorrhea, she may pass it to her child.

            In the beginning, men may experience urethritis – a burning sensation while urinating, white, yellow, or green discharge or sometimes men may get painful or swollen testicles. Symptoms for women includes increased vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding between periods, itching and a burning sensation while urinating. The incubation period after a person gets affected is 2 to 30 days but in most of the cases is shows up in 2 to 6 days. In some very rare cases a person may have gonorrhea but it may never show up. The untreated gonorrhea can get worse. Untreated gonorrhea in both men and women may lead to PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease). It is a disease in which a person’s reproductive system gets infected and may result in infertility. PID can also cause puss filled “pockets” that are hard to cure. Gonorrhea can also cause Epididymitis and joint pain throughout the body. The effect of gonorrhea on infants can be very deadly. A mother can transmit gonorrhea to her baby as the baby passes through the cervix or vagina, which is a common site of infection; this can lead to blindness, joint infection or life threatening blood infection.

            Gonorrhea can be treated by antibiotics. Gonorrhea in infants can be prevented by “silver nitrate” which kills bacteria in the eye. In the adults it can be treated by caftriaxon or cefixime. This medicine are from the group cephalosporin and azithromycin. You need to take full dose of this medicine, even though symptoms disappear.

            The only of preventing from this disease or any other STD is to be abstinent. You should also go to the doctor and do STD checkups to make sure that you and your partner don’t have any diseases. But if you decide to have sex, then you can greatly lower your risk by using condoms. 






  1. 1. One thing ive learned about gonorrhea is that its possible to get it into your eyes as a baby.
    2. One question i have is can silver nitrate cure most forms of STI?
    3. I like how detailed you were about what gonnorhea is and how it can be cured.

  2. -I didn't know that gonorrhea could cause Epididymitis.. no bueno!
    -How common is blindness in a child born under an infected mother?
    -This was very informative! I feel like I know much more about gonorrhea than I needed. Good job!

  3. Wow...I didnt know that some people may never experience symptoms. Thats really scary! You could have it and never know :/. One question I have is that if the mother passes it to her baby and it gets joint of blood infections, how are those cured or are they able to be cured? I really liked you post. You had a lot of information about how to cure gonorrhea and about a lot of different signs to look for :)

  4. The one above is mine (Cayley) lol

  5. I didn't know gonorrhea can be treated with antibiotics. A question I had was do babys still have gonorrhea after the silver nitrate is put on. I like how you listed what happens when you have gonorrhea

  6. I didnt know gonorrhea could cause blood problems in infants. Thats no good. How would this happen though? This post was great. I learned something i never would have guessed.

  7. I had no idea this disease could be passed from a mother to her baby. What if the mother is taking medication prior to delivery, will the baby still be affected? You have a lot of accurate information that is well used for the weak minded.

  8. this is very good. you got very scientific and used great supporting points.
    oh, and i didn't know Gonorrhea caused Epididymitis.

  9. no symptoms at times fast could you die? if you can. i liked how put alot of facts in your post

  10. Didn't know it could be deadly to babies. Why is it called "The Clap"? I like how infornmative it is
